"Steadfast, Unmoveable, Unbounding...
Always, in God's Work"




Min. Aurelia “Rae” Lewis

Certified Lay Minister

Kidz Church Lead
BOD Treasurer

REV. Tomás Holloway

Certified Reverend

Intercessory Prayer Lead

rev. Melinda Ludy

Certified Reverend

Christian Education Co-Lead

Min. Jo-anne

Certified Lay Minister

BOD Clerk

Rev. Angelia Scottkees

Certified Reverend

Worship and the Art Lead
Hands of Praise Co-Lead
Co-Lay Delegate

Milton DeVaughn

BOD Members-at-Large

MIT LaTonia Newson-Lewis

Office Manager

Minister In Training
Lay Delegate
Hands of Praise Co-Lead

Minister Aurelia “(Rae)” Lewis was born and raised in Washington, DC. She is married to LaTonia Newson- Lewis. They have two sons, and two daughters, eight bonus children, 23 grandkids, and 4 great grandchildren.

A fun fact about Minister Rae is that she loves “The Simpsons”.

Her favorite scripture is 1 John 4:16.

Minister Tomás Holloway is from the state of Virginia and has served his country for over 15 years. He has been an active member of MCC Baltimore since 2018.

A fun fact about Minister Tomás is that he loves color!

His favorite scripture is 2 Chronicles 7:14.

Minister Melinda Ludy lives in Falling Waters, West Virginia, and is fond of saying, “I grew-up just across the river outside of Clear Spring.” She lives with her spouse, Jo-Anne Ludy, and their many fur babies. She has four sons and two daughters. She has six grandsons and five granddaughters.

A fun fact about Minister Melinda is that she enjoys Hallmark Movies and has been known to shed a tear or two when watching them.

Her favorite scripture is Psalm 100:1 (NRSV).

LaTonia Newson-Lewis is from New Jersey and is married to Minister Rae Lewis. They have two sons, two daughters, eight bonus children, 23 grandkids, and 4 great grandchildren.

A fun fact about LaTonia is that she loves anything that has to do with arts and crafts.

Her favorite scripture is Psalms 23.